Sunday, December 18, 2011

Situation involving a bunch of 'tough' guys

I was in Kerala. Me & dad were going out for shopping.This road we were taking was kinda narrow with a good amount of traffic.We saw 6-7 guys walking on the road.They were walking near the  middle of the road dangerously close to traffic.As were passing them, dad told them decently that as the space was less why don't they use the side walk as there was no space for the vehicles.As we passed by,one of them shouted something in Malayalam. Something really rude  translating to 'go mind your business'.
I don't usually get into fights.I kinda talk outta situations .Even if it is someone I can beat up, I just let it go.

I wasn't angry or something.But I did not want to let them go just like that.I stopped the car, got out and walked up to them.They were all college kids.Most of them were bigger and meaner looking than me :).I walked up to the guy who had shouted,put my hand on him and told him to repeat what he said.He didn't utter a word.I told him that  if you can't back up what you say,dont say it ! His friends were getting all defensive.Bunch of sissies! Eventually he and friends said sorry to dad and everything was over without throwing a punch.Back in the car,dad and me were laughing at the situation and how the traffice got blocked as I had stopped the car on the road :)

The thing that struck me is that I was not afraid to step up.Its not that I pick up a fight every other day or something.I have seen people's hands shake when they get angry or are in a fight.Like fear, adrenaline either works for you, or you lockup and get beat up.The best thing to do is learn to deal with it. Maybe I sound all Kungfuey...but ...Learn to calm yourself down with breathing. Some people are naturally calm, some are not.I love the adrenaline rush.

An adrenaline  rush happens  when body releases adrenaline .When this happens, the  body releases a chemical called dopamine which can act as a natural pain killer.During an adrenaline rush,I have a clear head and its like stuff around me slows down and I have a better understanding and reaction to everything.

I have to thank my Karate Sensei for this :). He  always used to pit me against bigger guys during sparring while I was in school.There was this  one guy who weighed around 100 kgs even when we were in high school.And he was not just the fat kinds.He was like 6'3" and had a big frame.He used to be my regular sparring partner.He used to charge like a rampaging elephant when the round started.I used to be scared like hell before we fought.But hey, the bigger they are, the harder they fall.

I have sparred with torn ligaments and fractures.I never feel  any pain when I am in a fight.And like everything else experience makes you calm.Martial arts make you tougher mentally too and helps you handle situations better.

Being drawn into a fight is not a good thing.And never fight 7 on 1.  You always have an option.Hurting someone or getting hurt permanently is not a good option.

But sometimes,when people cross the line, when your family or friends are in it,  when you have to step up, you just have to do that.I realize that I could have gotten into trouble ,but I was confident enough of kicking all their sorry asses if it came to that.

Merry Christmas  !!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wah wah! well done my lad!
"charging like an elephant!" - now i know where you got that from!
and breathing. make fun of me, will you, when i say it? :P
