Saturday, May 24, 2008


She cribbed about the breakfast. She said she did not like the one for the day. I told her that we can go have it from outside .Poor thing was delighted.
So I embarked on my journey. Took the shortcut which passed through a narrow galli (lane). I looked around. The galli was unclean. Kids were running around. There were office goers trotting along .Some were talking into their phone mikes and were oblivious of the surroundings .Most of them had backpacks with their company logos printed on them .Reminded me of my schooldays. An old lady was sitting on the side and washing clothes .I "carefully" crossed the connecting road as I did not want to be a hit and run case. Death was not an option. At least not for the time being :).
In another 5 minutes I reached the main road. The main road was crowded with a hoard of people trying to rush to office. I skillfully moved from side to side avoiding collision. A girl was coming from the other side and I noticed her looking @ me. As we came closer, she looked away probably to show that she was a 'decent' gal. So did me.

WYGIWYG (What You Give Is What You Get)!

Vehicles were piling up on the main road. I could see buses flocked with people helplessly looking outside trying to find the cause for the block .As if it could do them any good if they find the cause. As I neared my destination, I saw a Corporation lady worker carrying a pile of trash and dumping it on the roadside. She might as well have put it right in the middle of the road. God knows why things are the way they are in our country.
Till next time...Adios Amigos...

Ps: Oh by the way…Had breakfast. And she liked it. That’s what counts.

Cell Phone

It’s become an important part of my life .I won't say I cannot live without it as I am sure I will take it as a challenge and somehow get on with it. It makes me happy @ times, sad @ others .It basically helps me to connect to people like never before. Surely would have bought lots of changes in my life if it had come sooner .But things are good the way they are. So what the heck!
I dislike the way my mind waits for a reply when I message a loved one. I was never a fan of something that makes me wait. Maybe it’s a matter of 3-4 mins, but the pain of waiting is bad.

My friend was telling me that she feels bad for her mother who lived miles away from their home. She stayed in a small hostel and is provided with a small room with an even smaller bathroom which she has to share with a roommate. It was pretty evident that my friend was feeling bad about her mum while speaking about this.

I thought about the psyche behind her mother's decision to stay there. People, especially the one's from the previous generation want security .They take minimum risks in life and want a secure future for their kids. It really moved me when she said it but I did not show it & somehow changed the subject.

It made me think of my own mother .How little I talked to her!
I asked myself when the last time I enquired her about her job .
I wondered how she manages to motivate herself to travel 100 of kms from work and then back. How does she manage to do it day in and day out in spite of her age (54 at last count).To be honest it strikes an emotional cord inside me. I felt helpless and sad!

Phone to the rescue!

I gave her a call, and this time spoke in length about her work load and how she manages it .Felt good doing that. I am sure she felt good that I asked. It won't make a difference to her though. She has already accepted her destiny, i.e. to dedicate her life for a cause.
She gives her 100% in everything whether it’s at work/home. She is honest and sticks to what she feels are right. I am learning something from her and will surely implement the values she teaches me through her life.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Good morning/Good evening/Good day..depending on where you are.I am really excited to start blogging.Atleast doing something worthwhile and interesting.No promises regarding when next update will be, but since i have started it i might as well continue :)
