Monday, December 21, 2009

My Dog Can 'Lick' Anyone!

I was on sick leave for 3 days last week. Someone from office asked me if it was a case of Ergophobia. I replied stating that it may be Contagious and that it’s better to stay away from me. :P

People keep finding faults with me. I think that the world is getting obsessed with me. Therefore, the world should go get a life! :D :D

My Bank keeps sending me these updates (emails, sms) regarding my bank balance. What’s wrong with these people? Why do they want to make me miserable by showing me my account balance? I think they too should go get a life!

My German Shepherd, who is the sworn enemy of cats of the locality has actually made friends with a kitten! Bugger was treating it like a PUP, sniffing it and would probably have given it a good licking too if I didn’t notice. Unbelievable!!!  ...considering the history of violence my GSD has .I called him aside and told him- "Becky ...Dude...For the 1st time in my life... I'm ashamed of training you. You have let me down man! Biiiiig TIME! :( *Nodding head vigorously with regret*

Maybe this is the sign of harmony, coexistence and global peace!!!

Like Rocky Balboa said -"If I can change, and you can change, everybody can change. " :D (The question is ...Change into what?)


Anonymous said...

Apart from flattering yourself way too much and being an enemy of peace and harmony :P, nice article!!


Shreyas said...

"Sick" leave huh? :P


we should put a daily limit for exclamation mark usage on him.

Traveller said...

@Geekshwer:Evil one....I am the symbol of peace ! :P

@Shreyas: Sick people taking leave amounts to Sick leave .And exclamation is my birthright and I shall have it !
