Saturday, May 19, 2012

One more rotation

Beautiful day.
Rode all day :) .
Bought 4 new  books :D
Later browsed through  Flipkart and found all the books cheaper in it :D .
Thanks god for another day :) 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Ride through a rainy dark night

Its fun driving an SUV in the rain at midnight ,dropping friends home after dinner . Driving back through the empty roads with the FM playing some nice track made me realize how much at peace I am with myself. Won't update all this in FB.Most people there & elsewhere don't know me and may never will.Thats kool !

Something stuck to my mind when I returned home .

No matters what happens,no matter what all gets taken away from me,no matter how much I am humbled,no matter what all I have to go through....Ain't no one gonna wipe this smile off my face :)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May Day !

Barely crawled out of bed.Had an off .Everyone's been telling me to take rest.When did I start listening to what everyone said ?  :D . Gonna murder the punching bag today !


 Dead Man
