Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Memory Low !

I don't remember Birthdays ! Unless I know you for 15-20 yrs or if you are family !  I have a bad time with names too ! There was a time when I couldn't remember the name of the  guy who sat  in the next row to mine for a year in college.When I needed  his name for something, I had to ask him to spell his name to avoid embarrassment  :D .

So coming back, people, especially friends get pissed with me for forgetting  b'days /anniversaries . It is not that I don't love or care about them ,but its something I can't help.I am done trying to explain to people that I don't need an excuse to tell you how much I love you or how special you are to me. And personally I don't give much importance to any one day of the year ,be it my birthday or some other day ! It's just a day just like every other  . I wake up every single day feeling lucky and  thinking that this is the best day of my life. But I am sorry to anyone who was hurt by my perceived lack of interest. I am sorry if I hurt you ,whether you like it or not .

Now to 'postiver ' things... Last week ,I got a watch for Dad ,which cost 20 times the price of mine. I wouldn't have been this happy if I bought it for myself :) . Its such nice  feeling to  try to give back to people who did so much for you.It reminds me of the sacrifices my  parents made  throughout my life to make me happy, sometimes even without telling me . It makes me respect them more .

My Dad's Uncle was very close to our family even though he stayed pretty far. He passed away when I was a kid. But I still have memories of him coming home  with my favorite cream biscuit :) .He bought this big family pack  :) .And he never forgot to get me that.His son is no different. He worked abroad when I was young.And this one time he got me a Boy London ,color changing(depending on the temperature) watch.I was chatting with him online last week .I thanked him outta the blue for  all those sweet child hood memories and told him  that I use the same strategy with my nephew :) .

Saturday, May 19, 2012

One more rotation

Beautiful day.
Rode all day :) .
Bought 4 new  books :D
Later browsed through  Flipkart and found all the books cheaper in it :D .
Thanks god for another day :) 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Ride through a rainy dark night

Its fun driving an SUV in the rain at midnight ,dropping friends home after dinner . Driving back through the empty roads with the FM playing some nice track made me realize how much at peace I am with myself. Won't update all this in FB.Most people there & elsewhere don't know me and may never will.Thats kool !

Something stuck to my mind when I returned home .

No matters what happens,no matter what all gets taken away from me,no matter how much I am humbled,no matter what all I have to go through....Ain't no one gonna wipe this smile off my face :)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May Day !

Barely crawled out of bed.Had an off .Everyone's been telling me to take rest.When did I start listening to what everyone said ?  :D . Gonna murder the punching bag today !


 Dead Man

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Today ,a colleague of mine passed away in a bike accident .  He was not in my team. I did not know him personally.I remember his face.One of my friends had even wished him when he came to office in the morning .Another one told me that he knew him personally and that he was a good guy  .They had studied together and he had known him for 10 yrs or so.He told me that he did not have the heart to go see the departed's body which was awaiting  postmortem in Manipal Hospital.May his soul rest in peace and may god help his family to go through this tough phase.

I ride a motorbike too . I go to the same office.I travel in the same traffic.It could have been me.Made me think about my mortality . As someone told me  - ' Life is as fragile as a spider's single yarn.A strong gust would wipe it all away'.

Do I fear death ? No.Not mine at least. Another friend  told me not to talk about ' these things '.That 'words have power' and I shouldn't speak about it.Otherwise it would  come true.Out of respect, I did shut up then.

Right now I haven't planned anything.Neither am I expecting something in life.So the thought of a permanent and abrupt 'Power Failure' doesn't scare me anymore.I did a lot of praying  in the past to god asking him to 'spare somebody else of the agony and that I will readily  suffer instead '.Hopefully my luck hasn't run out yet :)

Either ways, if something like that does happen,I have no regrets.I lived a healthy happy life .And a 'short' one as of now :) .God has given me enough .The best being -my amazing parents and family .What would I ask more ? I jus hope  I haven't let them down.

I am not sad.I wish someone somewhere smiles when they think about me  when I am  not  there anymore :) .That would probably make my day in afterlife.Its better to burn out in a flash like a cracker than die slowly like a candle :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day Public Service Message

Friday, February 3, 2012


          I totally get it now why people smoke so much when they have problems :)

In the words of Captain George Ellerby - " Marriage is an important part of getting ahead. It lets people know you're not a homo. Married guy seems more stable. People see the ring...they think at least somebody can stand that son of a bitch ."

 Ah goddammit !!!! not that one !

 This one - " I'm gonna go have a smoke right now. You want a smoke? You don't smoke, do ya? What are ya, one of those fitness freaks, huh? Go fuck yourself."

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Normal Conversation

Sunday, January 29, 2012

No Love!

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Hit Rock bottom ! Everything including fitness.Nowhere to go.No giving up now

Monday, January 23, 2012


This reminds me that I lost my purse with my Debit card and ID yesterday.It had  some cash  inside too.If someone finds it,please return it to me with the help of the address/phone no  inside because Jesus loves you and I will too ! 

Space Bound

I find Eminem very different from contemporary rappers.He does not just sing about $ ,BLING,girls and cars ! Some of his songs have lots of raw emotion in them.Especially the ones about his daughter and life.And then the dude has a sense of humor too.He is a lyrical genius ! Yes his lyrics are offensive to different people depending on the situation. Spacebound is a very good track which I could relate to.Enjoy it if you haven't heard it already  .

VEVO censors so much on YOUTUBE,some dude put a comment on a video which went like this >>>>

                        FUCK VEVO !!!  Sorry What I meant was   F*CK V*VO

Monday, January 2, 2012

PMS Mondays !

You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you might find, you get what you need. Was in big trouble today.Got some help from some unexpected quarters today morning :) .There are still 'some' good people out there after all .Good. Guard back up.

 Ever wondered why something like weed is banned while more dangerous stuff like Cigarettes or Alcohol which potentially kill more people are not ?
 In case you did not know ...In India possession,consumption or cultivation of weed will land you in Jail for 6 months - 20 years + fines (depending on the quantity).So ya this is serious stuff !!!!Stay off this kids !Jail ain't cool.They got the wrong kind of bars in there ! I will be writing a piece on psychedelics soon.Been doing some research on it lately.

 Oh! My Laptop's display went Kaput a month back.Looks like this now !


Maybe it looks like a funky design or modern art to you ! But Hell No! Its just a f'd up laptop screen!
The laptop guys say that 'the part' is still on the way (pending customs clearance).They stress on 'the part' as if it is some relic Harrison Ford is hunting for in 'Indiana Jones'.An artificat of unimaginable value!!!!
Oooooohhhh.....what will happen if it falls in the wrong hands????

God bless those mo#%#%$&%*%!$ !!!!
