So coming back, people, especially friends get pissed with me for forgetting b'days /anniversaries . It is not that I don't love or care about them ,but its something I can't help.I am done trying to explain to people that I don't need an excuse to tell you how much I love you or how special you are to me. And personally I don't give much importance to any one day of the year ,be it my birthday or some other day ! It's just a day just like every other . I wake up every single day feeling lucky and thinking that this is the best day of my life. But I am sorry to anyone who was hurt by my perceived lack of interest. I am sorry if I hurt you ,whether you like it or not .
Now to 'postiver ' things... Last week ,I got a watch for Dad ,which cost 20 times the price of mine. I wouldn't have been this happy if I bought it for myself :) . Its such nice feeling to try to give back to people who did so much for you.It reminds me of the sacrifices my parents made throughout my life to make me happy, sometimes even without telling me . It makes me respect them more .
My Dad's Uncle was very close to our family even though he stayed pretty far. He passed away when I was a kid. But I still have memories of him coming home with my favorite cream biscuit :) .He bought this big family pack :) .And he never forgot to get me that.His son is no different. He worked abroad when I was young.And this one time he got me a Boy London ,color changing(depending on the temperature) watch.I was chatting with him online last week .I thanked him outta the blue for all those sweet child hood memories and told him that I use the same strategy with my nephew :) .